Today in class we read, annotated and discussed a set of rules or laws. These laws were created by Hammurabi and he made a ton extremely specific laws but we read 24 of them. Something that I thought was kind of strange about them was how specific they were. It almost made it easier for people to find loop holes between different laws because maybe the law talked about something specifically and the incident wasn't exactly like the law. When we had our discussion in class, a common point was brought up time and time again. The point was basically just relating this to modern laws and talking about the differences and similarities. Obviously laws now would be more accurately written and made so that there are no loop hole type things because we have had more practice with making laws. But something that I was thinking about during the discussion was that these set of laws are more different then they are alike to modern laws. I know we only read 24 laws but the consequence for every single law was you are either put to death or you have to pay. Just two set things, no trial to determine your years or you punishment. And no in-between. If someone stole something from a store, they would probably be put in jail or fined. The consequence would be determined by a trial and the outcome would be based on how much you stole. In Hammurabi's laws, there is not jail, no "in between" which leads me to say it is a more extreme way. They probably made it that extreme because they wanted to keep control over people. Thats what it is always about anyway.
Also (side note), because this wasn't written in modern day, it helps my point from an earlier blog about Human Rights. Because it was so extreme to put people to death for rather minor (compared to some things) crimes. This just shows that people idea's of human right may have shifted since the time that Hammurabi's Code was written and now.
But back to the main topic at hand, Hammurabi's code put a lot of emphasis on slaves. In laws 15, 16, 17,18 and 19 they all talk about slaves giving specific examples of different situation. Back then, it must have been very important for slaves to be kept in order and in control. Again, another example of how people need to have control. Maybe I am just too cynical of a person, or maybe I am the only one seeing things clearly.
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