Thursday, April 5, 2012


 Before talking the movie and talking about it in class, I didn't know very much about Apartheid and what was going on in South Africa. I feel like the issue in South Africa with the Apartheid and all is not really taught  in school as much as american civil rights and that sort of thing. Maybe it is because the civil rights movement actually happened in america so it has more relevancy to us then something that happened in South Africa would. But really, what was going on in South Africa was a much bigger issue then Jim Crowe Laws and racial injustice here were. And that fact that it lasted for so long is kind of astounding to me. I am pretty sure the civil rights movement in America did not last for nearly as long as the Apartheid did. It's funny (not really though) that people here made and are making such a huge deal of racial inequality here when what was going on in South Africa was ten times worse and lasted much longer. Watching the movie about this has been really eye opening because, like I said, I knew very little about the Apartheid. But, to be honest, I was not really surprised by what I saw because I have learned about pretty much the same thing, with different levels of severity, time and time again. I really hate to say that, and i am not saying it isn't bad I am just saying it is semi-common. Civil Rights Movement, Holocaust, Women during the Witch trials in Europe, and many more that was just to name a few. So all of this leads me to wonder, is it a matter of human nature? Or coincidence, I think not. I am not saying the history repeats it's self, because actually it doesn't (and I technically can't really say that in this blog) so that is why it is human nature. I hate to say that it is because I am human so maybe it should be called only-some-humans-nature. But seriously, when people have power they tend to want more power and want to stay in power. And by controlling a major group of people, like the blacks in South Africa, it allows the white people to stay in power and even gain more power. They can basically do whatever they want, it's as if rules don't apply to them, because they kind of don't. It is kind of like that mean girl in seventh grade that had the whole group of followers and then the people that she made fun of. Its because she was insecure with herself so she puts other people down so she can feel better about herself. The Apartheid is kind of like that except blown up times a billion with so many more dimensions.

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