Does your geographic location determine your success and well-being?
In the reading, it talked a lot about the Hierarchy of Needs; a list of what is mandatory for survival and what is not as fundamental. I thought this was a really interesting because the idea of the Hierarchy of needs was developed about 100 years ago but to some it might still apply today. That is kind of the thing that I wanted to look more into and think about; does the Hierarchy of Needs still apply to today’s society. Well I think that the basics of the Hierarchy of Needs do still apply to today but as you go up the pyramid they might be different. I think that breathing, food water and everything else on the bottom of the pyramid is where it should be. As the pyramid goes up, the categories start to blur and mix into each other a little bit more. Something on the pyramid that I don’t agree with is the Esteem and the Love/ Belonging rows. I think that they should be switched and that Esteem should be the third row and Love/Belonging should be the fourth row. Because the pyramid is made so that once you have one row covered you can have the next row, then I think that you need to have to Esteem row covered in order to get the Love/ Belonging row covered. If you have a low self-esteem, low self- confidence, and no respect for others or from others, I am sorry but you probably will not get any friends. Maybe that is just the way it would be today but I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone that doesn’t respect me or who I don’t respect. But I do agree with the top of the pyramid when it says Self-Actualization. But I believe that you are not going to get very far in life if you don’t have creativity, morality, spontaneity, problem solving skills, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts. So maybe there should be one more row to the Pyramid; Success and in this row would be education and job. You are not going to have success without self-actualization, esteem, love/belonging, safety and physiological well-being.
So help visualize what I am talking about. |
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