1) Dougherty, Conor; Shwiff, Kathy, "Earthquake in Haiti: A Feeble Economy, Knocked Flat." Wall Street Journal, January 14, 2010, www.proquestk12.com
About how the Earthquake in Haiti creates a setback for the Haitian economy and how they have to emerge from the aftermath of lots of political insability and hurricanes.
2)LaFranchi, Howard. "Haiti economy shows signs of life after earthquake: Across Port-au-Prince, indicators of a renascent economy after the Haiti earthquake are unmistakable: bustling street markets, reopened clothing shops, and long lines at cellphone providers, remittance-receiving agencies, and banks." The Christain Science Monitor, Jan.27,2010, www.proquestk12.com.
Talks about all of the money that is going to be going into Haiti and that if it is managed well then it will create a lot of jobs.
3)Boodhoo, Niala. "A look at rebuilding Haiti's earthquake-shattered economy." McClatchy - Tribune Business News, Mar. 18, 2010. www.proquestk12.com.
Talks about the exact economic damages in Haiti, especially Port- Au- Prince.
4)The Washington Post. "Hoping to turn the tide; Haitian planners count on seaside town of Jacmel to revitalize shattered country." The Washington Post, Mar. 16, 2010, www.proqestk12.com.
This one also talks about how the earthquake has effected Haiti's economy. But this one goes more into specifics.
5) Kinzie, Susan. "Texts and tweets speed donations for Haiti; 'Unprecedented' giving during recession surprises aid groups." The Washington Post, Jan. 15, 2010, www.proquestk12.com.
This article talks about what other countries are doing to help Haiti's economy and also how other countries can help.
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