The class was split up into groups and each group read a different reading about ethic and religion. One was about how religion has everything to do with morality and ethics, another argued that ethics and morality have nothing to do with religion. My reading, argued that religion can "enrich" morality. It says that you can be a good person and still be atheist or agnostic but you just don't have the added bonus of being religiously moral. it says pretty much that one can not fully understand how to have morality unless they are religious in which case they can do moral things in the name of religion. In most religions, there lives the idea of "you will get everything you deserve based on the things you have done." In Hinduism it is Karma, in Christianity, it is heaven and hell. That kind of goes with the whole moral thing and in the reading it says that if you are a person of good will then god will be good to us and give you what you deserve. It also doesn't really state whether or not the author believes in god. "If God Exists,...." and "If God Created Us...." The author isn't really helping his cause saying that god might not actually be real. Question that is brought up in the reading is "Why should I be moral, when I can get away with being immoral?" I think to answer this in the terms of the reading goes back to the idea of everyone will get what they deserve, they will be punished for the immoral things they do and rewarded for the moral things they do. Even though this reading is supposed to be about how religion can help you with being moral, I do not really think that it talks very much about people being immoral. The author kind of already assumes that everyone who would be reading this is religious.
Now, do I agree with this argument? Not really. By not being a really religious person, it does not really apply to me, even though it is semi-directed at people like me. But if you do not believe in god then when someone tells you god will be mad at you, it means nothing because to you there is no god. I am not saying that I do not believe in god, I am just saying that for people who don't. I don't really know if I believe in god, so I guess I would have to figure that out before I say whether or not I believe this. But if there is a god, then isn't god supposed to love all people? I mean, the reading talked about that but if god loved all people then all people would be rewarded no matter what. I feel like people just like to make up their own rules and beliefs about religion. They believe some things but do not believe other things, Kind of like selective hearing but not actual hearing more like selective learning. Is that a thing? But back to religion. People just do what they want and what fits in their religious agenda. And they believe what they want to believe in religion but yet they still call themselves religious. I don't really get that. That is why I don't consider myself religious, I don't believe everything that religion tells me I should believe.
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