Friday, February 3, 2012

Akhenaton and Cuntural Diffusion

So what does cultural diffusion mean? Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another. That is the literal, meaning. But in actuality, it is a lot more then that and can not be described in one sentence. It is really complex and hard to wrap your brain around. But basically, whenever you have an interaction with someone you, as a person, have changed a little bit. So when there are a billion interactions between tons of different people, that can cause big change. When you tell your ideas to someone and they tell them to someone else and them to someone else, your idea spreads and soon a lot of people agree or disagree with you and this changes them as a person. This is cultural diffusion. 

So how does this relate to Akhenaton? Akhenaton was supposedly the one who came up with the idea of Monotheism and believing in only one god. But really, it could have been anyone who thought if that idea. And actually, it most likely wasn't Akhenaton who thought of this idea, he could have heard of it through cultural diffusion. But anyway, thats not really the point. The point is, when Akhenaton introduced Monotheism, the Egyptians didn't really follow it but they weren't angry or anything. So this means that as soon as Akhenaton died, Monotheism was over for Egypt. But how did the ideal of Monotheism live on? Again, possibly through cultural diffusion. Some Egyptians might have actually agreed with Akhenaton's idea of Monotheism and when they talk about it with other people, the idea gets around. But also,  Monotheism doesn't seem like an extremely uncommon thing to think of. Anyone could have thought of the idea of Monotheism any number of times after Akhenaton. So the idea might not have resurfaced because of cultural diffusion. Although, cultural diffusion probably played a role in the climb of Monotheism.  

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