Friday, November 4, 2011

Laws of Manu and Black Plague

Yesterday in class, we were all put into groups of three and we rotated every ten minutes. In each group we were given a question regarding the Manu Law and different circumstances in modern and historic times. Here are my different groups responses:

Question 1, Danielle and Lyle: What laws of modern society are comparable to the laws of Manu? What do we do that conflicts with the spirit of the laws if Manu?
A Manu law states that you shouldn't do acts of violence but violence is a crime in modern times that is commonly committed. Also the government funds for building new things and facilities and this can also effect the environment and preserving the environment is a Manu Law.

Question 2, Chloe and Jack: To what extent might the laws of Manu have prevented the spread of the Plagues?
Manu laws stated that meat should not be eaten. Not eating meat would allow for cleanliness and animals can also carry diseases (e.i. mad cow disease) so not eating meat can prevent those diseases. So if Manu Laws were followed correctly, people wouldn't be getting diseases and plagues from animals. It is a good way to prevent disease. Hindus believed in living in unison with the environment and if this rule was broken there would be sever punishments.

Question 3, Brooke and Ana: What connections are there between disease and the need for balance between humans and their environment?
When you mistreat your environment (e.i. eating animals, cutting down trees) you create an unbalanced environment and you are more likely to get things like diseases (from eating animals) or erosion ( when cutting down trees). Littering is also something that create an unbalanced environment and pollute the air and this directly effects humans because it makes the air not fresh and dirty.

Question4, Chloe and Ariel: How did people respond to the black plague that only made things worse? To what extent have er improved the human response?
When the black plaque happened, people immediately fled from their current location to get away from the plague. Sometimes they didn't even know if they had the plague yet so instead of running away from it, they were just spreading it to increase the infected population. Also, the black plague was air-born which means that people can get it just by being around people who have it, even if they don't even have any physical contact. We now have antibiotics that are used and help to prevent diseases such as the black plague so people aren't as concerned with diseases such as that today.

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